
November 27, 2022

The Best Account of an NDE You’ll Ever See: An Absolute Must!

The other day my friend, Jeff Janssen, the author of Your Life’s Ripple Effect, a wonderful book about the lessons of the life review, sent me a link to a video of an NDE and urged me to see it as soon as possible. I obeyed and set aside what I had been working on to view it. I could see why Jeff raved about it. Both he and I have seen numerous such videos and accounts of NDEs on YouTube, but this one was absolutely mind-blowing – the best and most moving I had ever seen.  

I then sent it to my webmaster, Kevin Williams, himself an expert on NDEs, and he agreed with me, writing, “I watched the full video and was ‘blown away’ by her testimony. I have never heard such an articulate account of an NDE…. It is one of the best I have ever seen. I know people will be blessed by watching it.”

Kevin and I agreed that we wanted to share it with you, but we decided to wait until after the Thanksgiving holidays to do so. You don’t have to thank me for this, but I believe, with Kevin, that you will be thankful to have watched it.

Some advisories before you do. It’s 55 minutes long and you’ll have to skip a brief advertisement before the video loads (and there are a few very brief commercial interruptions, as is usual on YouTube, that you can skip). But I suggest that you reserve a time when you will not be interrupted or distracted (best to mute your phone, too) and watch it straight through.

If you are as moved by this video as much as Jeff, Kevin and I were, feel free to share it with your friends and family. Although I can no longer research or write books about NDEs, thanks to the internet I can still pass along accounts like this one that assure us that when we die, we will experience wonders that no words could ever convey, though the testimony of this NDEr comes as close as possible.

Now, here’s the video:


  1. Thank you Ken so much for sharing this incredible video. I have heard stories of NDEs, and other spiritual experience from clients myself, so I know they are real. I will share this video with as many people as possible and I can think of many clients who would love it and benefit from it. Thank you so much!!

  2. Ken: What a gift you give us this holiday season! Thank you.

    As a nurse who regularly speaks to polio survivor groups around the world about lessons learned from her polio out-of-body experiences, ICU nursing, and research on NDE after CPR, I will recommend this truth-filled, beautiful video. Deborah King is word-perfect in saying: We know. We have been there. We have a message for you.

    My gratitude to l all those who made this production possible.

    Susan L. Schoenbeck, MSN, RN

  3. Brian Anthony KraemerNovember 27, 2022 at 3:58 PM

    Ken, I cried through this video. I've emailed it to at least twenty friends and family so far and will continue to enlarge that number in the next few days. I would think such a testimony would make me want to get off this planet as soon as possible and move on into these realms described by Deborah King, but in fact it makes me want to make the most of this current adventure knowing that there's certainly an ineffable reason for this current and brief period here.

    When I was a second grade teacher, I had to tell my students they must not rush the process of the baby chicks cracking their ways out of each shell. I also told them to just watch, but don't touch, the baby butterflies emerging from their chrysalises. There's a reason for everything and the process (journey) is as important as the arrival.

    I am grateful to you, Ken, for spending your life encouraging us, inspiring us, and really loving us with your writings and in this case, recommended viewing. You have a lot of love and light and pulsing orbs ahead of you! :-)

  4. Thanks for sharing this PROFOUND NDE with your readers, Ken! Deborah shares so many powerful and valuable lessons from her NDE. Anthony does such a FABULOUS job with his videos!

  5. Wonderful, Ken! Thank you!

  6. I want to give a HUGE shout out to Anthony Chene—he is the person who put this video together. As an avid researcher of NDE and STE, Anthony Chene creates exceptional videos.

  7. I've just finished watching it, & I totally agree with you...
